This is an old Camels cigarette ad that has Joe the camel smoking a cigarette with a good looking girl and nice car right behind him. In the background there is also part of a palm tree and the edge of a big city full of sky scrapers. The colors are all bright and has the saying "smooth character" in big letters. This ad trys to appeal to the the desire of being wealthy or popular. Having nice suits, a nice car, and good looking girl, while he looks cool smoking his cigarette. The look of a successful business man, nice suit glasses and a tie. This ad looks like is aimed at an audience a wide audience mainly for men ages 18 - 60 but can be for anyone else who smokes cigarettes. Which is quite a diverse population of people. This ad claims that if you smoke cigarettes you will be that popular guy who had everything going for him. You will get beautiful women, drive nice cars, and be top dog, or camel in this example. Also that if you smoke Camel cigarettes you will have a smooth character, or a good personality that many find attractive. Having those words with the ad help with the association between the the cool camel and his smooth character that has got him everything he has. This ad warrants that smoking is what flashy popular people do and if you want to be popular you must be smoking Camel cigarettes. And if you do smoke cigarettes you get all the benefits that come along with being popular. The evidence thats supports this is the way he is dressed and the bright, nice car and girl in the background. Plus the sunglasses help add to his smooth character, by making him more mysterious. Without being able to see his eyes he is more mysterious and sly. And with the big city behind him he is the king of it and ready to move on to bigger and better things. Always looking good in a suit, usually worn by wealthier people. The bright colors show him standing out, being the center of attention. And the nice car which shows status and style , with the car looking like a really intense sports car. This is all achieved because of his smooth character, and being the center of attention he is wanted by a pretty girl.
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